Radio Er Nada FM

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Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

Pemancar Fm Kita

Diposting oleh Dj.Achmaedt

Pemancar FM (dari berbagai sumber)

A small FM transmitter.

This SMD FM transmitter has an operating frequency of about 80 to 115MHz. Under reasonable circumstances you will be able to receive its signal at a distance of about 200 meters. Although it is low-power, it might be illegal in your part of the planet.

Here's the circuit:


Depending on the electret microphone you use, you might have to tweek R4 to set the gain of the pre-amplifier. Depending on the Q of the LC-part (usually not very good when using off-the-shelf SMD parts) you may also have to re-bias the end stage of the circuit.

You can download the PCB design here (only 2.5Kb). It's a double-sided PCB in CorelDraw 3.0 format (zip compressed).






Wiring diagram



PCB layout


component placement




Wiring diagram

PCB layout


Component placement



sch & pcb M9583, 18kb, April 10, 2001

100watt, 8kb, Aug 06, 2003


100watt, 14kb, Februari 24, 2003


sch & pcb M9583, 18kb, April 10, 2001



Stereo Coder

Stereo Encoder, 33kb, March 07, 2002





3 komentar:

Iman mengatakan...

Waduh hobbi juga elektronik pemancar. Siip deh, jalan-jalan cari yang sehobi, sukses selalu


Dj.Achmaedt mengatakan...

Tnx brow....

agus temy gunawan bloem mengatakan...

mas salam kenal dan kalau boleh bisa kirimin data yg jelas + skema + layout pcb encodernya............trm kasih.

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